Monday, October 29, 2018

MLA 2019 sessions on Russian, Eurasian, Slavic, East European topics

The list below includes sessions sponsored or co-sponsored by the LLC Russian and Eurasian Forum, the LLC Slavic and East European Forum, AATSEEL, the International Dostoevsky Society, and  the International Nabokov Society, as well as sessions organized by other entities that include presentations on relevant topics.  To view the detailed description of each session on the MLA Convention Program website, you will need to create a login for that site.

33: Tolstoy as a Modern Social Thinker
Date: Thursday, Jan 3, 2019
Time: 12:00 PM–1:15 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Mississippi
106: Empires in Parallax: New Perspectives in the Study of Imperial Cultures
Date: Thursday, Jan 3, 2019
Time: 3:30 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Huron
223: Aesthetes in Exile and The Art(ifice) of Suffering
Date: Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Time: 10:15 AM–11:30 AM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Mayfair
314: Yiddish and the Postvernacular in the Post–Cold War
Date: Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Time: 1:45 PM–3:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Huron
340: Shakespeare’s Transnational Poetics: Forms and Genres among Early Modern Literatures
Date: Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Time: 3:30 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Hyatt Regency - Grand Suite 5
341: Ideologies of Health in Soviet Literature and Politics
Date: Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Time: 3:30 PM–4:45 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Mayfair
366: Dostoevsky’s The Idiot at 150: Textual Transactions
Date: Friday, Jan 4, 2019
Time: 5:15 PM–6:30 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Superior A
504: Opera and the Sense of History
Date: Saturday, Jan 5, 2019
Time: 12:00 PM–1:15 PM
Location: Hyatt Regency - Columbian
517: Nabokov, Dreams, and the Unconscious
Date: Saturday, Jan 5, 2019
Time: 1:45 PM–3:00 PM
Location: Hyatt Regency - Water Tower
522: The Global (Far) North: Arctic Literatures
Date: Saturday, Jan 5, 2019
Time: 1:45 PM–3:00 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Ohio
586: The Aura of Foreign Paper in the Long Nineteenth Century
Date: Saturday, Jan 5, 2019
Time: 5:15 PM–6:30 PM
Location: Sheraton Grand - Huron
731: The Canon (De)Centered: English Studies around the World
Date: Sunday, Jan 6, 2019
Time: 1:45 PM–3:00 PM
Location: Hyatt Regency - Michigan 1C

Monday, February 26, 2018

Calls for Papers for MLA 2019

The 2019 MLA Annual Convention will be held in Chicago from 3 to 6 January.

Here is a list of Calls For Papers for sessions being proposed by the Russian & Eurasian Forum,  Slavic & East European Forum, and AATSEEL.  Note that some sessions may not be guaranteed inclusion in the final program. This post will be updated as additional CFPs are posted.  Please consider submitting an abstract!

Alignment after "Alignment": Speculative Futurities and Utopia(s) Post-1989
Papers on post-Cold War transnational collective/political imaginaries tracing intersections across the "Non-Aligned" and (post)Soviet "Aligned" nations, with specific attention to constructions of race/ethnicity as well as questions of (dis)location in the era of global "totality."
Proposals of 250 words and a brief bio to Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra ( and Leah Feldman ( by March 9.

Ideologies of Health in Soviet and Post-Soviet Literatures and Media
Examining representations of illness and healthcare, from Soviet propaganda campaigns to critical inventions in any former Soviet Republic.
200-word abstract and CV to Jeff Gatrall ( by March 15.

The Global Far North: Arctic Literatures
The Global South has challenged Eurocentric narratives; what of the Global (Extreme) North? Colonial encounters; environmental extremes; imperial and indigenous literatures in the Arctic.
200-word abstract and CV or brief bio to Rebecca Stanton ( by March 15.

Imported Paper and 19th-Century Literature 
In countries that were not paper-independent -- such as the US, Britain, and Russia -- imported paper was a luxury good and a necessity for writers. How did they write about it; how did it matter?
250-word abstracts to Gabriella Safran ( and Jonathan Senchyne ( by March 15.

Empires on the Margins 
Representations of empire in imperial cultures outside the typical province of colonial studies, such as Russian, Ottoman, or Japanese.
200-word abstract and 3-page CV to Edyta Bojanowska ( and Vitaly Chernetsky ( by March 15.

Tolstoy as a Modern Social Thinker 
Tolstoy’s ideas about the workings of society and state; his national and global interventions. Are they relevant today?
200-word abstract and 3-page CV to Edyta Bojanowska ( by March 15.

Ministries of Disinformation 
Fresh readings of texts, discourses, and practices that trouble the boundary between fiction and nonfiction, reportage and reporting, news and whatever is not news.
200-word abstract and CV to Benjamin Paloff ( by March 15.